Where is the John Teosin Highway?
The John Teosin Highway is the Buka Ring Road.
The road project on track (March 2015) -- https://www.facebook.com/bougainvilleprojects/posts/1007771755919285
The Buka Ring Road, is a highway that existed in the 1960s that was named ‘John Teosin Highway’ in 1979.
The Buka Ring Road (John Teosin Highway) project involves the upgrading and sealing of the 20 km road from Malasang to Malis. The project is funded by the Special Intervention Fund (SIF) through the Government of PNG and the Autonomous Bougainville Government and managed by the ABG Department of Technical Services Programme Management Unit (PMU) and Department of Works.
Tags: John Teosin Highway, transportation