- Approximately how many Second World War aircraft are still lost in PNG
It is hard to estimate but the number has put as over 600 aircraft. (2011)
- Are there any PNG Pilots at Emirates Air?
Yes. Timothy (Tico) Narara flies for Emirates. There are several PNG pilots flying in that part of the world.
Timothy's brother, Granger Narara, was vice president ...
- Are there any heliports in PNG
Yes, PNG has two recognised heliports and many other unclassified landing areas for helicopters. ...
- Are there any endangered languages in PNG?
Yes, several languages are considered endangered and some have already disappeared.Try visiting http://coombs.anu.edu.au/SpecialProj/PNG/topics/Language.htm.I also recommend a trip to http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Papua+New+Guinea for further information. ...
- After being named Enga by a great grandfather from P.N.G, I wonder what the meaning of the name is, if there is any?
Sorry, I do not have that information. Perhaps a reader may be able to help you? ...
- Are there any health risks associated with visiting PNG?
Yes. PNG is a known malaria zone and travellers should take anti-malaria medication while visiting the country and for a period of time after returning ...
- Are there any private clinics or hospitals in Port Moresby?
Yes, there are a couple of private hopitals and many clinics in the National Capital District that patients can choose from. ...
- Are there any latest figures / info about leukaemia in PNG?
Sorry I do not have those figures but try sendng a request to -- info@pngimr.org.pg. This is the general email address for the PNG Insitute ...
- Are Medical Practices using computerised Medical Software to maintain patient notes and billings.
Not being a medical person I can not really answer with any authority. The answer, as far as I know, is YES but please try ...
- Are Pharmacy scripts computerised?
Not being a medical person I can not really answer with any authority. The answer, as far as I know, is YES but please try ...
- Any information on setting up General Practice Medical Facilities in Port Moresby would be appreciated.
Not being a medical person I can not really answer with any authority. The answer, as far as I know, is YES but please try ...
- Are there opportunities for family doctor or computer Enginers?
Yes, but you would need to contact local businesses as jobs come and go so it is not possible to provide a list of vacancies ...
- Are there opporunities for medical work in Port Moresbay General Hospital?
You would need to write to the Department of Health.
http://www.health.gov.pg/contact%20us.htm ...
- Are there doctors all around PNG?
Health facilities exist in most urban centres but investigative resources are usually very limited. Most towns have private GPs and pharmacies stock most commonly used ...
- Are there any recompression chambers in PNG?
Not sure so please check elsewhere. I think, but not certain, that there is one in Port Moresby
Insurance could save you a considerable amount of ...
- Are there any resorts close to Port Moresby?
Loloata Island Resort is a small intimate resort just 15 kilometres from Jacksons International Airport in beautiful Bootless Bay. Access is by boat and it ...
- All Governor Generals of Papua New Guinea down to Sir Bob Dadae
Here is a relevant link -- http://mauswara.com/png_faqs/index.php?solution_id=1527
Or just ust enter Governor General in the search box. That should return an answer for you.
Keep the search term ...
- Are there any daleks in PNG?
Along with Jedi Knights - No. I assume you are a Dr Who fan? Perhaps visit the Dr Who fan club instead of asking questions ...
- Are there any bakeries in PNG?
There are many places baking bread and in most villages you will find or at least smell hot bread / scones in the morning.
Just recently ...
- all appointed Governor Generals of Papua New Guinea?
I do not have a list with their full names. I have a list with first and surnames only.There have been ten people who have ...
- Are there Jeepenys in PNG?
Yes, there are currently four on trial in the country but it is not known how the trials are going as at August 2005.
It appears ...
- Are there any motor sports clubs in Port Moresby?
Yes the South Pacific Car Club (South Pacific Motor Sports Club) used to regularly hold speedway events at the old Moitaka showgrounds just outside Port ...
- Are there any railways in PNG?
No - but there have been small railways and tramways set up in the past along wharves and in coffee and copra plantations for the ...
- Are there any special traditions at Christmas?
Yes, it is written into the constitution of the country that PNG is a Christian country so PNG has adopted all the traditions from the ...
- Are there leeches along the Black Cat Trail?
Like most rainforests you can expect to encounter leeches and should wear full length gaitors to protect your legs. ...
- Are there any wrecks that can be dived on in PNG?
PNG offers a huge diversity of dive sites, including barrier reefs, coral walls (drop off) and coral gardens, patch reefs, fringing reefs, sea grass beds, ...
- Are there any mining projects along the Sepik River?
The Sepik is probably the largest uncontaminated freshwater wetland system in the Asia-Pacific region. There are no large mining projects, no industrial plants, and no ...
- Are there any hot springs in PNG?
Yes there are many. Some are located at Deidei on Fergusson Island in Milne Bay province. The springs are located on the eastern side of ...
- Air Niugini?
Air Niugini has a web site at -- http://www.airniugini.com.pg -- it also operates the Destinations PNG site at -- http://www.destinations.com.pg
- Association of Superannuation Funds PNG?
The Association of Superannuation Funds PNG (ASFPNG) has a website located at -- http://www.asfpng.org.pg-- ASFPNG is an industry body established in 2002 by interested industry ...
- Are you able to provide a listing of names and which parties they belong to and the head of the party and do they have a flag of their own?
The simple answer is no. Political parties change very frequently in PNG. By the way -- thanks for the list from Parliament. ...
- April 2015 - Deputy Prime Minister?
(April 2015) Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Inter-Govt. Relationsis the Hon. Leo Dion, MP ...
- Are there any elephants in PNG?
There have been a couple of circuses that have visited PNG with elephants but elephants are not native to PNG.
I am not sure of the ...
- Are there any freshwater sharks in PNG"?
Yes, Speartooth sharks (Glyphis glyphis) and New Guinea River sharks (Glyphis garricki), are two rare freshwater shark species sometimes seen in PNG.
These so-called “river sharks” of ...
- Are there any Cyber Security regulations in PNG?
Yes, the Cybercrime Code Act was passed by the PNG Parliament on the 11th of August 2016.
The Cybercrime Code Act 2016 criminalises many activities:
cyber bullying;
child online grooming;
unlawful ...
- Are there any father - son combinations in PNG Aviation?
Yes, one of the best know are Granger and Nigel Narara from Dobu, Milne Bay province. Nigel's uncle, Timothy (Tico) also flies.
Eddie Matane was a ...
- Are there any caves in PNG?
PNG possesses several of the deepest cave systems in the world. The Southern Highlands has several high systems and the islands of New Ireland and ...